How to Prevent Osteoporosis (and fall fractures)

At The Chiro, we see many elderly patients with neck and back stiffness and pain. There are two common things we see with these patients:

  1. Osteoarthritis - the common degeneration we see in most people as they age (read more)

  2. Osteoporosis - the thinning and weakening of bone mass.

We don’t mean to alarm you. Some degree of osteoporosis (or osteopenia which is the precursor to osteoporosis) is expected in the elderly. We will all lose bone density as we age, especially after the age of 50, but the rate of loss can largely be controlled by you.

Preventing or slowing osteopenia is extremely important due to the strong association with fall fractures. If you can prevent osteopenia, then you can prevent fractures, which will extend the quality and quantity of your life. 

  1. Ensure you have a healthy, balanced diet: It’s not only calcium that we need lots of, you also need to get enough magnesium, manganese, zinc, boron, copper, and protein, among other things. Also, avoid too much sugar and processed foods as this displaces the minerals, vitamins and proteins needed to build and maintain your skeleton. Eat real foods, such as green (and other) veges, eggs, fish, dairy, nuts and seeds.

  2. Ensure you get enough vitamin D: medical guidelines vary enormously in their recommendations for adequate levels of vitamin D (at least 600 IUs). You can get vitamin D from diet, supplements or preferably direct sunshine on your skin.

  3. Regular weight-bearing and muscle-strengthening exercise: this helps to improve agility, strength, posture and balance; and as improve bone density; and reduce the risk of falls and fractures. Any exercise needs to suit an individual's interest and ability.

  4. Cease tobacco smoking and excessive alcohol: both these habits speed up the loss of bone mineral density.

  5. Assess your falls risk and make changes: get a home safety assessment, start balance training, closely monitor anti-hypertensive medication, stand-up slowly. 

If you do all these things you will significantly decrease the onset of osteopenia, osteoporosis and the chance of a fall injury. For specific exercises or if you have other questions, talk to The Chiro