Chiropractic ADVICE



It is widely agreed that most adults require between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night for optimal physical and mental wellness. Yet it is not only the quantity of sleep that contributes to the healing process, the quality of sleep plays an essential role…Read more


Pregnancy is an exciting and often challenging time in an expectant mother’s life, especially if it is her first pregnancy. There is a lot of advice available from family, friends and professionals, all of whom have their own opinions. It is important for the expectant mother and her support network to filter through…Read more


There are multiple ways you can stuff up your spine by simply relaxing. Any time your spine is in a poor position for a prolonged period, there can be strain of your ligaments and overloading of your joints. Many poor postures can be comfortable initially, but over longer periods of time they lead to… Read more


Whether or not your daily job involves manual work or you'd like to work on building projects on the weekend you should be using the correct lifting technique. The best tip for ensuring a safe lift is to plan: plan how you will pick up the object, how and where you will carry it, and how you put it down. Often people don't…Read more


Our whole body, especially our spine, needs to move and be physically challenged in order to stay healthy, but for a lot of people this is not happening. Today, more than ever before, people are doing things that ruin their spinal health. We work long hours at sedentary jobs… Read more


Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis, a disease that affects the synovial joints in the body. Synovial joints are the fluid-filled joints found throughout the body, which can be found in the spine, shoulders, hips, elbows, wrists, fingers, toes, ankles… the list goes on. The tissues in and around the joint degenerate over time which leads to…Read More


Check out our blog to further educate yourself about the benefits of chiropractic care, pain and injury prevention, best practices for posture and stretches to help get your spine functioning at its best…Read more