Frequently Asked Questions:

If you have any questions about what to expect on your first visit, ACC-related enquiries or are just wanting to know more about why people seek Chiropractic care, you can find the answers on our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Why should I choose The Chiro?
We are registered Chiropractors. 
We accept ACC patients. No referrals needed.
We have X-ray facilities onsite in case they are needed. 
We are passionate about natural health. We want to help you. 

I have injured myself and might need ACC. Will I need to see my GP for a referral?
No referral is needed. Give us a call or BOOK NOW to get in touch and we will call you to finalize your initial consultation.

What do I do if I think x-rays are required?
We have X-ray facilities onsite. Unlike an osteopath or a physio, chiropractors are licensed to take x-rays.

What Chiropractic techniques do you use?

At The Chiro we have a traditional approach combined with an appreciation of best-evidence. Our most-utilised techniques are Gonstead, Diversified, Thompson and Activator. Our chiropractors enjoy keeping up to date with the latest research in the treatment of spinal disorders as well as a range of wellness topics.

Who should see a Chiropractor
Most patients present to a chiropractor with back pain, neck pain or headaches. Chiropractic care has an amazing success rate at helping people with these and other conditions. However, most people feel they also improve in other areas of their health. 

Elite sports men and women, weekend warriors, young children, the elderly, tradies and office workers - everyone with a spine and nerve system can benefit from better function.

Typical complaints that people seek chiropractic care for:

Headaches, migraines, back aches, neck aches, stiffness, sciatica and disc injuries. 


Does chiropractic work for all types of health problems?

No. Quite simply, chiropractic is a way to help people feel and function at their best, by helping to improve the movement of the spine. Most people present initially with lower back pain, midback pain, neck pain, neck stiffness, low back stiffness, sciatica, numbness and/or tingling down the arm or leg, headaches.

As the spine functions better, pain decreases, flexibility improves and people are able to exercise more. These things can help people sleep better, have more energy, and feel better about life.


Is chiropractic safe?

Yes. Chiropractic has an excellent safety record. It is the result of a conservative and natural approach to health that avoids invasive procedures or addictive drugs. Mild symptoms can develop in a small percentage of patients following an adjustment, such as being a bit achy or tired, especially after the first 1 or 2 adjustments. This usually subsides within 48 hours of the adjustment.


How many adjustments will I need?

The number of adjustments varies with each patient and their individual health goals. Many patients sense some progress within a week or two of frequent visits. Visits become less often as your spine stabilises. In difficult cases, complete healing can take months or even years.  It really is an individual thing. Regardless of whether you have back pain, neck pain, headaches or no symptoms, we focus our attention on the way you function rather than the way you feel.


What type of education do chiropractic doctors receive?

Doctors of Chiropractic are well educated. Chiropractic education and medical education are similar in many respects, especially the early years when we study the same core science subjects. With each year of study the training varies more and more, while medical training focuses more on pharmacology, chiropractic training focuses more on spinal anatomy and biomechanics. A minimum of 5 years study is required. After graduating from an approved Chiropractic College, each chiropractor must pass examinations set by the NZ Chiropractic Registration Board, before being granted the privilege to practice. A chiropractor's education, however, never ends. Most chiropractors complete regular postgraduate education on adjustment techniques and to stay up to date on latest research.


What causes the sound during an adjustment?

Actually, adjustments do not always produce a sound. There are many techniques that do not ever get an "audible release". However some adjustments do create a "popping" sound. The sound is caused by gas rushing in to fill the partial vacuum created when the joints are slightly separated. This sound is painless and totally harmless.


Can I adjust myself?

No. Since a chiropractic adjustment is a specific force, applied in a specific direction to a specific joint, it is virtually impossible to adjust oneself correctly and accurately. Adjusting is an art which is learnt over many, many years of practice and study. Chiropractors do not adjust themselves. It is possible to turn or bend or twist in certain ways to create a "popping" sound that sometimes accompanies a chiropractic adjustment. However, this is more likely to happen to a joint that is hypermobile (not subluxated).


Is chiropractic care addictive?

No. If only it were, there would be more healthy people around! It is possible to get used to feeling more balanced, less stressed, and more energetic as a result of regular chiropractic care. Chiropractic is not addictive, however, good health is.


Can a person who had back surgery see a chiropractor?

Yes. It's an unfortunate fact that many of those who had spinal surgery discover a return of their original symptoms months or years later. They then face the prospect of additional surgery. This too common occurrence is known as "Failed Back Surgery Syndrome." Chiropractic may help prevent repeated back surgeries. In fact, if chiropractic care is utilized initially, back surgery can often be avoided in the first place.


Is it OK to see a chiropractor if I'm pregnant?

Anytime is a good time for a better functioning nerve system. Many pregnant mothers find that chiropractic adjustments make their pregnancy easier. Adjusting methods are always adapted to a patients size, weight, age, and condition of health. We see many pregnant mothers at The Chiro.


What is the difference between a chiropractor, a physio and an osteopath?

As chiropractors we base concern ourselves with the detection, correction and prevention of vertebral subluxations (spinal misalignments) in order to improve health, naturally. We use specific spinal adjustments to correct the spine, to improve nerve system functions and reduce nerve interference. Osteopaths and physiotherapists use a varied array of techniques to treat different parts of the body, especially soft-tissue injuries.


Why do chiropractors take x-rays?

Chiropractors take x-rays to reveal the internal structure and alignment of the spine. We are also concerned about underlying disease processes and disorders of the spine such as anomalies, arthritis, tumours, fractures and spinal curvatures. X-rays are safe at the doses required to get the pictures of your spine that we need, because we use intensification screens, filtration, collimation, sensitive films, and shielding.