Chiropractic for Kids

Pregnancy and birth can be stressful not only for the mother but the baby too. Forceps, ventouse, cesarean section and natural birth all place a large amount of stress on the spine of a newborn. Delivery techniques such as forceps and vacuum extraction can put considerable amounts of stress and strain on the neck. The resultant spinal dysfunction can cause irritability, lack of latching or favouring one side and poor sleep. 

Over the first year of your baby's life, the brain develops by approximately 65%. This is the foundation of future learning and adaptability. Within this time you may watch your baby learn to sit, smile, roll, hold objects, walk and communicate. These are a few examples of the nervous system developing. 

Just like you, babies and children have nervous systems composed of the brain, spinal cord and nerves. This system is in control of every function in the body. The nerve system constantly relays information from the brain to the body to coordinate functions such as muscle activation, breathing, immune function, etc. Again, just like you, your child's ability to achieve these functions at their optimal is dependent on how well they can adapt to the stressors throughout their life. A chiropractor allows the brain and body to communicate to each other optimally by improving the function of the spine and nerve system.  

Some reasons babies and children get checked by a Chiropractor:

  • To improve brain and nerve development for making new connections 

  • To encourage the development of spinal curves, muscle function and ease of movement 

  • Breastfeeding challenges

  • Sleeping difficulty

  • Coordination and balance 

  • Difficulty with  learning, crawling or walking

Adjusting babies and children involves light pressure applied to the spine – the same amount of pressure you would use to test the ripeness of a tomato. The pressure is either applied by hand (touch and hold technique) or activator (adjusting instrument). Our overall goal is to allow optimal communication with the brain and the body so we can adapt and thrive.