Muscle strains
If you have ever pushed yourself a little bit too hard, you might have felt the pain of a muscle tear or strain. But what exactly is a torn muscle and what can you do about it?
What is a muscle tear?
A muscle tear occurs when the muscle has been stretched beyond its limit or made to work too hard or too fast. In a milder strain, only a few fibres are affected, and the muscle can still function normally. In more severe cases, however, where the muscle is completely torn, it will not function properly.
There are three grades of muscle strain:
● Grade 1 - mild strain, only a few fibres are stretched or torn, the area is tender and painful but retains normal strength
● Grade 2 - moderate strain, greater number of fibres are affected, pain is stronger, strength has been lost and there may be swelling or bruising
● Grade 3 - severe strain, muscle is torn all the way through, considerable pain is felt, complete loss of function, swelling and discoloration present
The more serious the strain, the more pain you will experience and the less function you will have. The pain will come immediately or very shortly after the strain occurs. You may also feel spasms in the affected area.
If it is completely torn, you may feel a “popping” sensation. There may also be signs of a dent or gap under the skin where the torn pieces of muscle have come apart, or you may feel a lump at either end of the muscle.
You are most likely to experience a tear in your calf or hamstring, as these areas are typically overused and stressed, however muscle tears can also occur in your back, neck, arms, and other parts of your legs.
How can you prevent a torn muscle?
Muscle tears are caused by overexertion, so when exercising try not to push yourself too hard. Increase your activity levels gradually, listen to your body and be aware of your limits. For example, if you decide to run a marathon, make sure to follow a gradual training program that increases the distance over the months prior to the event, instead of cramming your training into the 2 weeks before. This will give your body time to adjust so that the event itself doesn’t result in injury.
It is also important to warm up properly before exercising and gently stretch afterwards. Give yourself plenty of rest in between activity sessions and avoid exercising when you’re tired or in pain. Make sure you are using the correct technique, the right equipment and wearing appropriate, well-fitting shoes.
How can you treat a torn muscle?
A mild strain may recover with the classic RICE combination - rest, ice, compression, elevation. Once the initial pain has subsided, you can start to gradually work the muscle again to prevent it weakening and shortening.
Moderate to severe strains or tears will require more specialist treatment, particularly if the muscle has completely torn. In extreme cases, it may require surgery to repair the tear. Another acronym to remember in this instance is do no HARM - heat, alcohol,
running and massage are all to be avoided as they can do further damage.
Depending on the severity of your injury and the specifics of your situation, you will need a recovery plan tailored to you. If it is a muscle in your neck, back or pelvis we can help. If it's anywhere else see a physio.
Think you might have torn a muscle? We’re here to help!